Review: Is it Worth It in 2024?

If you’re just like me, then it means that you spend a lot of time on the internet. Whether it’s searching for the next hot location to spend your vacation or shopping for the best outfits for summer, the internet has a myriad of options to choose from. However, that’s not all the internet excels at.


The world wide web is also a great place to find good educational content. Yes, you can learn almost anything through the internet, including Engineering.

It’s common knowledge that engineering topics and concepts are complex and require professional guidance.

That’s why many people struggle with it. But the internet is a great way to catch up on lost ground. All you have to do is identify an ideal learning platform that will take you on everything you need to know.

Now, that’s the real challenge. How do you identify a suitable learning platform with detailed engineering lessons compiled by professionals? That’s where we come in.

We’ve created this review to offer you useful information on the best engineering learning platform at your disposal.

Are you currently struggling with software engineering and in need of some help to understand important concepts? Are you also interested in an internet-based solution that is easily used and accessed remotely?

If yes, then Educative is the perfect option for you. This learning platform stands out from numerous alternatives in the same category.

But is Educative worth it? Keep reading to find out. This Educative review will show you all the essential information about this learning platform.

What is Educative? is an engineering platform with lots of instructional materials but without the additional distraction of long videos. Yes, there are no videos on this learning platform. Why?

The creators of this platform believe that videos are not an effective way to learn. According to them, the average video tutorial teaches students 150 spoken words per minute.

However, an average person can read 250 words per minute. When you consider this ideology, it’s clear that videos may just be holding you back.


Educative is a learning platform that was designed for software developers. It was developed in 2015 by three friends that worked at Microsoft, eBay, and Facebook.

This learning platform was designed with free and paid resources. As a result, it would make a great tool to prepare you for your next interview or certification examination. They have several detailed lessons and courses.

At this learning platform, you’ll find several introductory courses on different programming languages, including HTML, JavaScript, Python, and R. Learn JavaScript from scratch in this best JS course on Udemy, build your portfolio and become a web developer.

What’s more? You’ll also find several advanced courses on React for front-end developers, machine learning, and C++ for programmers.

There are also visual aids (illustrations, charts, and snippets) that are designed to guide you through each lesson.

Furthermore, they have robust coding environments that let you try out everything that you’ve learned. You’ll have the luxury of practicing concepts directly from your browser.

Considering that the platform also lets you learn at your convenience, this puts a long list of resources at your disposal. All you have to do is use them as you deem fit.

If you intend to use Educative to prepare for an interview, you’ll have access to in-depth modules and tracks. These courses are designed to help you cover specific topics, including recursion, algorithms, concurrency, and system design.

Are you looking for the best Udemy java courses? We’ve evaluated several options to help you choose the right one.

How Does It Work?

You may ask yourself; is Educative good? Well, it is. Now let’s look at how this learning platform works and how software developers can use it to hone their skills.


Through the dashboard, you can keep track of your progress with any course and register for new lessons. You’ll also see a list of your offerings. As mentioned earlier, each lesson module comprises text-based explanations of important concepts, including quizzes and real-world examples (also known as code snippets).

You’ll also find different coding challenges and playgrounds that you can use to practice your coding. Using the Edspresso feature, people can find answers to frequently asked questions on different topics.

Users are also allowed to submit their questions to the Educative team with the “suggest a shot” feature.

On the Educative learning platform, users have three options to determine their learning journey; Become A Developer, Grow My Skillset, and Prepare For An Interview.

With the Become a Developer function, you’ll be taught several beginner and intermediate courses in the language of your choice. Some of the programming languages that are available include; JavaScript, HTML, Java, CSS, Python, and PHP.

Grow My Skillset is a feature that offers software developers lessons on more complex concepts that will take their careers to the next level. In this section, you’ll also find courses that focus on libraries, containers, and frameworks.

Finally, the Prepare For An Interview function is designed for software developers that are preparing for their FAANG interview.

Here, you’ll find several courses that will refresh your knowledge of system design, programming languages, etc.

No doubt, there are hundreds of courses on Educative. Newer alternatives are added every week. As the digital world changes and evolves, the courses on Educative are restructured to contain the latest information. This way, you’ll never miss out on anything important. What more could you possibly ask for?

While there are multiple course alternatives on, you’ll find that certain options stand out. These courses are popular among students on the website because of the quality of educational content that they contain.

You can check the Educative grokking coding interview review to find out the usefulness of the course.

Some of the most popular courses on this learning platform include;

  • The Good Parts of AWS: Cutting Through The Clutter;
  • Operating Systems: Virtualization, Concurrency, and Persistence;
  • The All-In-One Guide To C++20;
  • Grokking The Machine Learning Interview;
  • Python 201 – Interactively Learn Advanced Concepts In Python 3.

Educative Courses

The next stage of this Educative io review is to look at the courses that are offered by this learning platform. So, what classes does Educative offer?

As mentioned earlier, there are hundreds of course options on this platform. You’ll find educational content to help you learn important programming language courses and prepare you for your FAANG interview. They cover different topics for beginners and advanced software developers.

If you have an eye on a software development job on any of the top brands around the world, these courses will do you a lot of good. These courses are split into different categories depending on the aspect of software development that they focus on.

There are thousands of course options on the internet, but helps to bring useful educational content to a single location. They have effectively split up the courses into different categories that focus on what students want to know.

To start learning on Educative, the first thing to do is to decide on the type of lessons you’re interested in. You could choose either of these options; Become A Developer, Grow My Skillset, and Prepare For An Interview.

You must note that new courses are regularly added to this learning platform weekly. Therefore, you’ll never run out of valuable information to learn about software development.

Also, there are free and paid courses on the platform. As you would expect, both types of courses will offer you access to different lessons.

Free lessons will give you access to a limited number of courses. However, a premium plan will offer you access to more than 150 courses. Each of them is well-designed and contains all the essential information to help you kickstart your career. You’ll become familiar with difficult concepts in no time.

The courses and lessons on this platform are split into two major sections; System Design Problems and Glossary Of System Design Basics.

When you visit the section for System Design problems, you’ll find courses that are focused on problems that software developers may come across when designing any of the popular digital projects that we have today.

Students will learn the series of problems associated with designing several applications, including; Yelp, Pastebin, Dropbox, Twitter, etc. The Glossary of System Design Basics deals with concepts relating to the basic characteristics of distributed systems, including data partitioning and consistent hashing.


Furthermore, there are learning tracks on the platform too. Learning tracks are a great way to get all the information you need to learn about a particular programming language in one place. They usually compile different courses that focus on a particular skill.

Each learning module is broken into different modules and courses that are arranged according to their level of difficulty. These comprehensive paths will take you through everything that you need to know – from beginner to advanced level.

There are currently 13 learning tracks that have been predesigned on They include;

  • React For Front-End Developers: Here, front-end developers and software engineers will learn to build professional applications with React.
  • Become A Front-End Developer: Here, you’ll learn how to build fast and efficient websites that will make you become a professional software developer.
  • TypeScript For Front-End Developers: You will learn the latest concepts that will help you upgrade from JavaScript to TypeScript.
  • Become A Machine Learning Engineer: This learning path will teach you all the basic and practical skills that are necessary to become a professional machine learning engineer. Are you interested in learning Machine Learning? Take a look at the best Udemy Machine Learning courses.
  • Scalability and System Design For Developers: Here, you’ll learn how to design and build effective infrastructure for systems that scale.
  • DevOps for Developers: Here, you’ll learn about the usage of Kubernetes and Docker.
  • Java for Programmers: Here, you’ll learn about the concepts of Java.
  • C++ For Programmers: Here, you’ll learn how to practice the skills and concepts of C++
  • Python For Programmers: Here, software developers will be taught everything about the concepts of Python.
  • Ace The Python Coding Interview: This learning track will teach software developers how to be prepared for a Python technical interview.
  • Ace The Coding C++ Coding Interview: This learning track will help you prepare for your next C++ interview.
  • Ace The Java Coding Interview: This learning track will prepare you for a Java Coding interview.
  • Ace The JavaScript Coding Interview: This learning track will prepare you for an upcoming JavaScript technical interview.

What’s more? The courses on this platform are designed to provide students with an optimal experience. As a part of this plan, this learning platform will provide students with an interface where they can get to test what they have learned.


The next phase of this Educative website review is to check the pricing of this platform. When you can determine the cost of learning from this platform, you can properly plan how to handle your learning plan.

You need to note that the learning resources on this platform are divided into free and paid lessons. While free users are allowed to access a good number of courses on Educative, the paid plans are where all the magic happens.

The paid plans on are split into two; monthly and annual plans. The annual plan of this platform costs $16/per month. Premium users will pay $25/month.

However, the entire plan is billed annually. When you sign up for this plan, you will immediately access 13 different learning tracks and 410 courses. The monthly plan for is available at $59.

Users will also be allowed to buy the courses based on their individual preferences and personal choices. However, you should note that the prices of these courses may vary.

You should expect to spend more when purchasing in-depth courses that focus on essential concepts.

Here’s a snapshot of Educative cost and pricing plans:

educative prices


Before signing up for this platform, you need to ask yourself; is Educative good? Or is Educative a scam? We’ll review the answers to this question in this section.

If you’re a software developer or planning to become one, you’ll enjoy your experience on this platform. This learning platform is designed for new and experienced software developers.

There are different courses designed to cater to the needs of those who are either looking for a job or trying to hone their skills for better opportunities.

However, you need to note that Educative doesn’t offer any guarantees on the services that it offers to clients.


Yes, Educative is one of the best learning platforms for software developers. But how does it stack up against other platforms in the same category?

Teaches students using text-based educational resourcesTeaches students with an interactive style that will engage the student while also offering them valuable information.
This platform focuses on topics related to programming languages and machine learningThis platform focuses on teaching students essential topics on machine learning, web development, programming, computer science, data science, and so on.
This platform charges users $16/month (for annual billing) and $59/month (for one-time payment)This platform charges users $16/month (for annual billing) and $20/month (for one-time payment)

We’ve also made a detailed comparison of Educative and Udemy, so check it out.

Value for Money

That’s not all on the system design review. Next, we must review if this learning platform offers real value for money.

If you are a software developer who’s looking for a learning platform to learn and develop your skills, this platform is a great choice. You’ll get an interesting lineup of courses that focus on different aspects of software engineering.

Each course is detailed and broken down into different segments for easy assimilation.

After completing these courses, there will be skill assessments to help you refresh on what you have learned and completion certificates too.

You’ll have a great time registering on this online platform and paying for their lessons. Their courses will give you insightful knowledge of software engineering and will cover all the important topics.

Student Feedback and Reputation

Now, let’s look at the Python 201 Educative review from different trusted resources and former students.

LucaFR21 – Reddit

Educative is a good online learning platform. Yes, it’s not perfect and doesn’t contain all the information on the internet. But it has a good structure with well-designed lessons.

Gino –

I took the Data Structures for Python course. I must confess that this course is packed with many useful lessons that will change how software developers approach programming in Python. It covers all the data structures and related algorithms. I enjoyed trying numerous exercises to test my knowledge. A great tool to prepare for your next Python interview.


  • Students will get completion certificates for their participation.
  • Students will gain access to some courses for free.
  • Attractive and easy-to-navigate interface.
  • Users are allowed to learn at their paste.
  • Plenty of learning aids.
  • No lengthy videos.


  • Lack of interactive content.
  • Relatively lesser number of courses.


Finally, we’ve come to the end of this Educative courses review. You need to note that coding is far from easy. As a result, you need all the help you can get to build a strong foundation and understand important concepts.

That’s where comes in. is one of the most reliable online learning platforms for software developers. The courses offered on this platform will set you on a path to becoming a skilled software engineer.

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